Tyke Petroleum York Men's Tennis League - 2019 season

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Player statistics for Bishopthorpe

By pair

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Sam Watson / Tim Mandle2483131395.8
Roger Mackle / Lee Mainprize2452171104.6
Damien Mullen / Name withheld9414465.1
John Coop / Alex Dickinson6231386.3
Will Rice / James Hopkinson6312376.2
John Coop / Alan Reynolds9306384.2
Joe Scoot / Chris Goulden3201175.7
Will Rice / Paul Lewis9117384.2
Chris Goulden / Lee Mainprize9117364.0
Sam Watson / Lee Mainprize3111175.7
Charlie Rice / Chris Goulden9108384.2
Will Rice / Name withheld6024223.7
Paul Lewis / Richard Cooper3102206.7
Richard Cooper / Alan Reynolds3102186.0
Sam Watson / David Moore3102186.0
Chris Goulden / Antonio Garcia Fernandes3102165.3
Richard Cooper / Giacomo Iannucci3102165.3
David Moore / John Cragg3102165.3
Charlie Rice / John Cragg3021155.0
Dave Grabowski / Antonio Garcia Fernandes3102144.7
Paul Lewis / John Cragg3102113.7
John Cragg / Richard Cooper6015193.2
Will Rice / David Moore6015183.0
Name withheld / Ian Samworth3012165.3
Charlie Rice / Tim Mandle3012144.7
Sam Watson / Joe Scoot3012144.7
Alex Dickinson / Giacomo Iannucci3012124.0
Charlie Rice / Tim Brown3012113.7
John Cragg / Antonio Garcia Fernandes3012113.7
John Coop / Giacomo Iannucci3012113.7
Richard Cooper / Kelvin Riches301282.7
Paul Lewis / Antonio Garcia Fernandes6006183.0
Tim Mandle / Chris Goulden3003144.7
Sam Watson / Charlie Rice3003124.0
John Coop / Joe Scoot3003113.7
Will Rice / Alan Reynolds3003113.7
Dave Grabowski / Lee Mainprize3003113.7
Joe Scoot / Dave Grabowski3003113.7
Charlie Rice / Antonio Garcia Fernandes300393.0
Matthew Clayton / Will Rice300393.0
Charlie Rice / Joe Scoot300393.0
John Coop / Will Rice300382.7
John Coop / John Cragg300372.3
Matthew Clayton / Name withheld300362.0
John Coop / James Hopkinson300351.7
Charlie Rice / James Hopkinson300320.7

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Last updated: 5 February 2020 16:48