Tyke Petroleum York Men's Tennis League - 2019 season

   You are viewing results from the 2019 season. To see the current season, click here.

Division 4

   Player statistics

League table

  Wigginton 31490156369272139127½
  Harrogate Spa 11481669663243930105
Rowntree Park 2147517614228562480
Wetherby 2147177474924442479
Strensall 1147667465025511577½
Starbeck 2146938194915621571½
Knaresborough 1147207924521601570½
Copmanthorpe 214636876362070652

Fixtures & results

Click on a team name to see its fixtures and results.

DateHome teamResultAway teamGame
28 AprilCopmanthorpe 248Wetherby 25157View
28 AprilStarbeck 248Knaresborough 15256View
28 AprilStrensall 139Rowntree Park 24563View
28 AprilWigginton 393Harrogate Spa 16246View
12 MayHarrogate Spa 184Copmanthorpe 25553View
12 MayKnaresborough 1½11½Wigginton 32781View
12 MayRowntree Park 2Starbeck 26939View
12 MayStrensall 1210Wetherby 24167View
19 MayCopmanthorpe 2Wigginton 34464View
19 MayKnaresborough 166Strensall 15454View
19 MayStarbeck 2Harrogate Spa 16246View
19 MayWetherby 2Rowntree Park 25355View
26 MayWigginton 393Strensall 16246View
2 JuneHarrogate Spa 193Rowntree Park 26147View
2 JuneKnaresborough 1Copmanthorpe 24563View
2 JuneStrensall 175Starbeck 25454View
2 JuneWigginton 393Wetherby 26048View
9 JuneHarrogate Spa 175Strensall 15751View
9 JuneRowntree Park 2Copmanthorpe 25850View
9 JuneStarbeck 248Wigginton 35157View
9 JuneWetherby 2102Knaresborough 17038View
16 JuneCopmanthorpe 2102Starbeck 26543View
16 JuneKnaresborough 157Rowntree Park 25355View
16 JuneWetherby 210½Harrogate Spa 14167View
23 JuneCopmanthorpe 210½Strensall 13573View
23 JuneHarrogate Spa 1102Knaresborough 17434View
23 JuneRowntree Park 2210Wigginton 33870View
23 JuneStarbeck 2210Wetherby 23474View
30 JuneHarrogate Spa 1Wigginton 35355View
30 JuneKnaresborough 1102Starbeck 27731View
30 JuneWetherby 2Copmanthorpe 26642View
7 JulyCopmanthorpe 2210Harrogate Spa 14068View
7 JulyStarbeck 284Rowntree Park 25454View
7 JulyWetherby 293Strensall 15652View
14 JulyHarrogate Spa 1111Starbeck 27236View
14 JulyRowntree Park 239Wetherby 24959View
14 JulyStrensall 1Knaresborough 15652View
14 JulyWigginton 3102Copmanthorpe 26444View
21 JulyCopmanthorpe 2210Knaresborough 13276View
21 JulyRowntree Park 248Harrogate Spa 15256View
21 JulyStarbeck 2210Strensall 12781View
21 JulyWetherby 2-69Wigginton 3060View
4 AugustRowntree Park 284Strensall 15652View
4 AugustWigginton 310½Knaresborough 18226View
11 AugustStrensall 1Wigginton 34662View
18 AugustCopmanthorpe 2Rowntree Park 24464View
18 AugustKnaresborough 139Wetherby 25256View
18 AugustStrensall 1Harrogate Spa 14959View
18 AugustWigginton 3Starbeck 25157View
1 SeptemberHarrogate Spa 1102Wetherby 27038View
1 SeptemberRowntree Park 2Knaresborough 15454View
1 SeptemberStarbeck 210½Copmanthorpe 27731View
8 SeptemberKnaresborough 193Harrogate Spa 17632View
8 SeptemberStrensall 1Copmanthorpe 26642View
8 SeptemberWetherby 2½11½Starbeck 23276View
15 SeptemberWigginton 311½½Rowntree Park 27137View

Copyright 2024 Tyke Petroleum York Men's Tennis League
Please report any errors using the contact page.
Last updated: 5 February 2020 16:48