York Men's Tennis League

Match details


DivDateHome teamResultAway teamGame score
514 MayCopmanthorpe 2½11½Cawood 13375


Click on a player name to see player information.

Cawood 1
Copmanthorpe 2Tim Tillett
Charlie Meacham
Andy Bromley
Nick Godwin
Nigel Huggins
James Murphy
Lindsay Mcleod
Dave Dearing
4 - 83 - 95 - 7
Dave Kershaw
Mark Blackburn
3 - 95 - 76 - 6
Phil Duddles
Name withheld
2 - 102 - 103 - 9

Copyright 2024 York Men's Tennis League
Please report any errors using the contact page.
Last updated: 9 February 2024 10:01