York Men's Tennis League

Match details


DivDateHome teamResultAway teamGame score
528 JulySutton Upon Derwent 2David Lloyd York 33969


Click on a player name to see player information.

David Lloyd York 3
Sutton Upon Derwent 2Ian Macauley
Sebi Brandom
Conor Mulhearn
Charlie Conroy
Mike Nguyen
Matt Carter
Jon Los
Alistair Scott-Somers
1 - 118 - 44 - 8
Stuart Paver
Vince Pryce
1 - 116 - 69 - 3
James Boulton
Andy Boulton
1 - 114 - 85 - 7

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Please report any errors using the contact page.
Last updated: 18 October 2024 09:46