Tyke Petroleum York Men's Tennis League - 2022 season

   You are viewing results from the 2022 season. To see the current season, click here.

Player statistics for New Earswick

By individual

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Antony Georgiou2112181396.661.0
David Latimer24112111436.056.7
Nick Bentley158431006.755.6
John Newland15519855.747.2
Nathan Latimer2763181294.846.7
Lee Goodwin15528755.041.7
Ollie Evans12246584.837.2
James Chambers6303355.832.4
Kev Warrington9207414.631.1
Colin Foster6213325.329.6
Josh Newton3210227.326.2
Richard Scott3012165.319.0
Les North300393.010.7
Alistair Domville300382.79.5

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Last updated: 13 January 2023 10:40