Tyke Petroleum York Men's Tennis League - 2022 season

   You are viewing results from the 2022 season. To see the current season, click here.

Player statistics for Fulford 2

By individual

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Nick Milner2118121768.477.2
Dave Stewart2418151897.975.0
Paul Ruff2015411638.274.1
Patrick Atkinson2315441667.268.0
Anthony Tomkins1510141036.957.2
Alex Herriott9711728.054.5
Andrew Malcolm-Neale18639935.245.6
Cameron Harrison9423556.141.7
Mark Cook11227555.037.2
Ben Egron6303376.234.3
Elliot Parker5122265.226.0
Mike Nguyen5203244.824.0
Nick Pinnington6114244.022.2
Graham Randall200252.56.6

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Last updated: 13 January 2023 10:40