Tyke Petroleum York Men's Tennis League - 2022 season

   You are viewing results from the 2022 season. To see the current season, click here.

Player statistics for division 1

By pair

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James Shaw / Ben WalkerWigginton 13330123069.3
James Denmark / Ollie HicksWigginton 13025232648.8
Phil Langley / Ben OrtonWigginton 12120101949.2
Nick Turnbull / Josh HuntPoppleton 11515001499.9
James Walker / Sam ThorpWigginton 22113171507.1
Andy Withers / Ian GrasbyWigginton 224122101516.3
Steven Lewis / Matt LewisBoston Spa 12796121545.7
Jason Whiting / Matt WaudbyWigginton 224101131245.2
Nick Turnbull / Liam EarnshawPoppleton 19810849.3
Matty Blackburn / David AtkinsonCopmanthorpe 12764171264.7
Nick Linfoot / Paul WhurrYork 112804786.5
Jack Hannah / Jed DevinePoppleton 19711687.6
Steve Smith / Adam GregoryYork 111704777.0
Ed Appleyard / Olly WhiteDavid Lloyd Harrogate 19621738.1
Freddy Batchelor-Collins / Adam HarveyDavid Lloyd York 19531677.4
Alan Partington / Graeme ButcherCopmanthorpe 13652291263.5
Jack Batchelor / Adam HarveyDavid Lloyd York 166006510.8
Adam Harvey / Charlie KirkDavid Lloyd York 19522657.2
Josh Hunt / James SilsonPoppleton 16600589.7
Nils Morozs / Ben OrtonWigginton 19513667.3
Ed Barker-Wyatt / Adam HarveyDavid Lloyd York 19513657.2
Ollie Hicks / Nils MorozsWigginton 16510549.0
Ryan Carrick / Ed AppleyardDavid Lloyd Harrogate 16510538.8
Dave Aspland / Andrew MilneBoston Spa 19423586.4
Ryan Carrick / Harry AbelDavid Lloyd Harrogate 16501508.3
Sam Earley / Max McGregorDavid Lloyd Harrogate 16501498.2
Jack Batchelor / Joe FletcherDavid Lloyd York 16411467.7
Mark Coombs / Sam EarleyDavid Lloyd Harrogate 15410408.0
Hugo Barnard / Charlie KirkDavid Lloyd York 16411366.0
Jack Batchelor / Charlie KirkDavid Lloyd York 16402488.0
Dom Shread / Adam GregoryYork 19324475.2
Jack Hannah / James SilsonPoppleton 19234505.6
Sam Earley / Olly WhiteDavid Lloyd Harrogate 19315465.1
Steven Lewis / Danny GannonBoston Spa 16312427.0
Dave Aspland / Matt LewisBoston Spa 16312406.7
Nick Turnbull / Jed DevinePoppleton 16303416.8
Andre Earnshaw / Jed DevinePoppleton 16303406.7
Paul Blackett / Roger ColbeckYork 16303366.0
Ed Appleyard / Harry AbelDavid Lloyd Harrogate 133003411.3
Ed Barker-Wyatt / Jack BatchelorDavid Lloyd York 133003311.0
Charlie Kirk / Joe FletcherDavid Lloyd York 133003210.7
Paul Blackett / Steve SmithYork 16303325.3
Ollie Hicks / Ian GrasbyWigginton 133003210.7
Ed Barker-Wyatt / Darren SmithDavid Lloyd York 133003110.3
James Walker / James ShawWigginton 133003010.0
Nick Turnbull / Andre EarnshawPoppleton 13300299.7
Mark Coombs / Mat AbelDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13300299.7
Ben Walker / Angus BradshawWigginton 13300299.7
Ian Grasby / Sam ThorpWigginton 23300299.7
Hugo Barnard / James FordeDavid Lloyd York 13300289.3
Mark Coombs / Max McGregorDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13300289.3
Adam Hillerby / Scott HillerbyDavid Lloyd York 13300289.3
Ben Storey / Andy WithersWigginton 23300289.3
Olly White / Phillipe BougouisDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13300279.0
Jack Batchelor / Arun BahiaDavid Lloyd York 13300279.0
Phil Langley / Andy WithersWigginton 13300279.0
Dave Hendry / Paul CookPoppleton 13300268.7
Ryan Carrick / Tom LinleyDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13300268.7
Dave Aspland / Simon HughesBoston Spa 13300268.7
Jack Hoare / Christian NembhardDavid Lloyd York 13300268.7
Richard Abel / Harry AbelDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13300258.3
Ryan Carrick / Tom HorsfallDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13300258.3
Liam Earnshaw / Jack HannahPoppleton 13300258.3
Paul Blackett / Paul WhurrYork 13300237.7
Graham Garbut / Alex StarkCopmanthorpe 1302127752.5
Will Parkins / Matt LewisBoston Spa 16213355.8
Ed Barker-Wyatt / Oscar AbranteDavid Lloyd York 13210258.3
Richard Abel / Olly WhiteDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13210258.3
Ryan Carrick / Gus ShortDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13210248.0
Ed Appleyard / Max McGregorDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13210237.7
Toby Baker / James BaronPoppleton 13210227.3
Ian Grasby / Simon EylesWigginton 23210217.0
Phil Langley / Nils MorozsWigginton 16123294.8
Jason Whiting / Nick O'KeeffeWigginton 23201299.7
Ben Macaulay / Matt WilkieDavid Lloyd York 13201268.7
Andy Withers / Matt WaudbyWigginton 23201268.7
Hugo Barnard / Will GibsonDavid Lloyd York 13201268.7
Hugo Barnard / Darren SmithDavid Lloyd York 13201268.7
Pete Hall / Gavin MasonYork 13201258.3
James Denmark / Nils MorozsWigginton 13201258.3
Mat Abel / Olly WhiteDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13201258.3
Olly White / Gavin HosfordDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13201248.0
Ryan Carrick / Gavin HosfordDavid Lloyd Harrogate 122002412.0
Adam De Vries / Pete HallYork 13201237.7
Ed Appleyard / Phillipe BougouisDavid Lloyd Harrogate 122002311.5
Mark Coombs / Richard AbelDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13201237.7
James Walker / Nils MorozsWigginton 23201227.3
Andy Withers / Seb HolockowiczWigginton 23120217.0
Zoltan Siba / Sam ThorpWigginton 23201217.0
Ben Storey / Jason WhitingWigginton 23201217.0
Ryan Carrick / Joe ConaghanDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13201206.7
Ed Barker-Wyatt / Will GibsonDavid Lloyd York 13120206.7
Jake Lonsdale / Paul WhurrYork 13201196.3
Theo Barnard / Sam ToomeyDavid Lloyd York 13120196.3
Jack Lewis / Paul WhurrYork 12200157.5
Trevor Watson / Dean BrazenhallYork 12200157.5
Will Parkins / Danny GannonBoston Spa 19117333.7
Richard Cranidge / Andy HodgesYork 16033264.3
James Walker / Matt WaudbyWigginton 23111227.3
Ben Storey / Nick O'KeeffeWigginton 23111217.0
Jake Lonsdale / Adam De VriesYork 13111206.7
Dom Shread / Steve SmithYork 13111196.3
Will Parkins / Simon HughesBoston Spa 13111186.0
Danny Gannon / Tom GregoryBoston Spa 13111186.0
James Hanson / Paul CookPoppleton 13030186.0
Dom Shread / Roger ColbeckYork 13111175.7
Sebi Brandom / Matthew WalkeDavid Lloyd York 13111175.7
Phil Langley / Angus BradshawWigginton 13111165.3
Tom Bolland / Oscar AbranteDavid Lloyd York 13111165.3
Richard Abel / Sam EarleyDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13102206.7
Trevor Watson / Andy HodgesYork 13102206.7
Ben Macaulay / Brad SwainstonDavid Lloyd York 13102186.0
Andrew Milne / Matt SnellinBoston Spa 13021175.7
Mark Coombs / Jonny KayeDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13102175.7
Jack Hannah / Ben FinchPoppleton 13102165.3
Pete Goodall / Paul BlackettYork 13102165.3
Matt Waudby / Angus BradshawWigginton 23021155.0
Mark Coombs / Dave BrownDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13102155.0
Sebi Brandom / James FordeDavid Lloyd York 13102155.0
Christian Nembhard / Oscar AbranteDavid Lloyd York 13102155.0
Jack Hannah / James BaronPoppleton 13102155.0
Josh Hunt / Andre EarnshawPoppleton 13102144.7
Olly White / Max McGregorDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13102144.7
Matty Blackburn / Alex StarkCopmanthorpe 13102144.7
Phillipe Bougouis / Elliot BrewinsDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13021144.7
Gordon Milne / Will ParkinsBoston Spa 13102144.7
Ben Storey / Ian GrasbyWigginton 23102134.3
Jack Hoare / Adam HarveyDavid Lloyd York 13102124.0
Dave Duffy / Tom AndersonYork 13102124.0
Mark Coombs / Gus ShortDavid Lloyd Harrogate 13102113.7
Paul Whurr / Steve SmithYork 16015213.5
James Silson / Andre EarnshawPoppleton 13012144.7
Will Parkins / Jordan GregoryBoston Spa 16015142.3
David Beattie / David AtkinsonCopmanthorpe 13012134.3
Nick O'Keeffe / Zoltan SibaWigginton 23012124.0
Jed Devine / Dave HendryPoppleton 13012113.7
Robbie Greenall / Josh HuntPoppleton 1301293.0
Paul Cook / James BaronPoppleton 16006162.7
Andrew Milne / Chris IlesBoston Spa 13003144.7
Dave Duffy / Chris HughesYork 13003134.3
Pete Smith / Andrew MilneBoston Spa 13003124.0
Hugo Barnard / Sam ToomeyDavid Lloyd York 13003124.0
Ed Barker-Wyatt / Tom BollandDavid Lloyd York 13003124.0
Jon Fisher / Alex LarkmanPoppleton 13003124.0
Andy Withers / James ShawWigginton 13003124.0
Nick Linfoot / Howard PallisterYork 16006122.0
Ben Storey / James WalkerWigginton 23003124.0
Adam Gregory / Roger ColbeckYork 13003113.7
Ed Barker-Wyatt / Freddie BoothDavid Lloyd York 13003113.7
Danny Gannon / Andrew MilneBoston Spa 13003113.7
Will Parkins / Chris GilmanBoston Spa 13003103.3
Will Parkins / Matt SnellinBoston Spa 1300393.0
Dave Dearing / Ben MacleodCopmanthorpe 1300393.0
Nick O'Keeffe / Sam ThorpWigginton 2300393.0
Dave Aspland / Danny GannonBoston Spa 1300393.0
Ed Barker-Wyatt / Jan DylDavid Lloyd York 1300393.0
Seb Holockowicz / Keigan Freeman-HackerWigginton 2600691.5
Dave Hendry / Johnny CordingleyPoppleton 1300393.0
Ben Storey / James LangleyWigginton 2300393.0
Jack Hannah / Alex LarkmanPoppleton 1300382.7
Dave Kershaw / Alex StarkCopmanthorpe 1300382.7
Dean Brazenhall / Pablo MarzilioYork 1300382.7
Tom Bolland / Charlie KirkDavid Lloyd York 1300382.7
Matty Blackburn / Graeme ButcherCopmanthorpe 1300372.3
Marc Mottershead / Jordan GregoryBoston Spa 1300372.3
Andy Hodges / Jack BassYork 1300372.3
Mark Coombs / Phillipe BougouisDavid Lloyd Harrogate 1300362.0
Dave Aspland / Barry JohnsonBoston Spa 1300362.0
James Hanson / Ben FinchPoppleton 1300362.0
Jamie Winspear / Theo BarnardDavid Lloyd York 1300362.0
Rob Abbot / Graham GarbutCopmanthorpe 1300362.0
Jez Catchpole / Dan AdkinsonPoppleton 1300362.0
Jack Lewis / Richard CranidgeYork 1300351.7
Angus Robinson / Indiana CafneyYork 1300351.7
Jack Hannah / Ben AndersonPoppleton 1300351.7
Rob Abbot / Mark BlackburnCopmanthorpe 1300351.7
Pete Smith / Danny GannonBoston Spa 1300341.3
Dave Duffy / Granville MarkYork 1300341.3
Dave Aspland / Will ParkinsBoston Spa 1300341.3
Peter McCreesh / Steve JezehBoston Spa 1300331.0
Will Drewe / Tom GregoryBoston Spa 1300331.0
Nathan Cook / Will DreweBoston Spa 1300320.7
Paul Whurr / Phil DuddlesYork 1300320.7
Dave Kershaw / Mark BlackburnCopmanthorpe 1300320.7
Elias Aviles / John EcclesYork 1300310.3
Richard Chan / David WillisDavid Lloyd Harrogate 1300310.3
Matt Wilkins / Tom MartinDavid Lloyd Harrogate 1300310.3
Dave Dearing / Carl AdisonCopmanthorpe 1300300.0
Danny Gannon / Aaron PurcellBoston Spa 1300300.0

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Last updated: 13 January 2023 10:40