Tyke Petroleum York Men's Tennis League - 2022 season

   You are viewing results from the 2022 season. To see the current season, click here.

Match details


DivDateHome teamResultAway teamGame score
314 AugustWigginton 3210Rowntree Park 23177


Click on a player name to see player information.

Rowntree Park 2
Wigginton 3Eddie Fothergill
Tom Bews
James Chantry
Charlie Kuylenstierna
Pete Richardson
Russ Warin
Stuart Langley
Seb Holockowicz
6 - 63 - 97 - 5
Craig Goulthorp
Phil Anderson
4 - 84 - 86 - 6
Ed Green
Ian Gallagher
0 - 121 - 110 - 12

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Please report any errors using the contact page.
Last updated: 13 January 2023 10:40